syariah Investation, agama IslamAbstract
In the business world and financial institutions, we encounter many cases of fraudulent and unclear investments, some even use sharia brands. Cases like this are often carried out by individuals, cooperatives and companies with the aim of seeking large profits without paying attention to Islamic sharia law. As a Muslim, of course you need to understand sharia investment to be able to make these investments so you don't become a victim of fraudulent investments that violate business ethics rules and violate Islamic law. Based on the above, it is necessary to disseminate knowledge about investment according to Islamic economics and be guided by the guidance of the Al-Quran and Hadith. Therefore, the aim of this article is to disseminate knowledge about sharia investment to prospective novice investors in accordance with Islamic law using descriptive qualitative research methods which aim to describe, record, analyze and interpret current or existing conditions.
In Islamic economics, investment follows Sharia rules based on the Koran and Hadith. Sharia economic investments follow sharia principles, including the prohibition of usury and investment in haram businesses. Encourage transparency, rely on profit sharing or sharia trading, and focus on truly productive assets. Avoiding excessive speculation and complying with state laws is essential for Islamic economic investment. Investment is recommended in Islam. Because investment will balance income and improve the economy.
The result people who do not have the capital to do business can be supported with investment. Apart from that, investment also aims to ensure that wealth is not only accumulated by rich people, but can also be felt by those who do not have sufficient business capital. Islam calls on society to be selective in choosing those responsible for property matters, starting from any stage of income, expenditure, investment or management. In this way, asset management maturity will be achieved which will have an impact on the benefit of society.
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