Bioetika, Pengertian dan Pandangan Islam Terhadapnya
Bioethics, modern biology, IslamAbstract
Biology is a branch of science that is very closely related to life. Current developments in biology have provided various great benefits in various areas of life. However, along with its development, problems emerged caused either by the results of the development itself or by the arrogance and courage to carry out experiments that were no longer aimed at environmental safety and the benefit of life but rather at ambitions that were unacceptable morally and religiously. To control and accompany the development of modern biology, we need rules and restrictions which have become better known as Bioethics. Bioethics is closely related to ethics, morals, norms, culture and religion. On this occasion, my colleagues and I will present the results of our research regarding Bioethics and how Islam views and assesses Bioethics
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