Tadabbur Al-Quran, VerseAbstract
Tadabbur al-Quran is an obligation to read the Koran with the participation of the tongue, heart and mind. Through continuous effort and practice of tadabbur, he is able to form a strong identity, make people educated with high morals and manners, diligent in their efforts and highly knowledgeable. Appreciating the Koran through the elements of tadabbur can certainly have a tremendous influence on a person. Because in the Koran there is a great power that moves the heart, soul and all members of the body. Then proceed by explaining the urgency of tadabbur, laws, conditions, distribution, faidah, mentioning things that can help and hinder in doing tadabbur. This is followed by an explanation of how to perform tadabbur in the Koran. And then it ends by mentioning method errors that often occur in the tadabbur process. So, to improve the process of implementing tadabbur elements among students, all authorities need to pay full attention to the importance of students needing to be exposed to the application of tadabbur elements so that the contents of the Koran are understood, appreciated and put into practice in order to give birth to brilliant hafiz and hafizah in the world and the hereafter.
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