doping, hukum islamAbstract
In sports, doping is defined as the comsumption or use o exogenous illicit drugs by athletes, whit the aim o enhancing their abilities or competing artificiali and unfairly. The use of doping in sports is a problem that often occurs at various levels o competition. Therefor research is needed on the analysis of Islamic law regarding doping in sports. This study aims ti analyze the views of Islamic law regarding the use of doping in sports, and provide advice regarding efforts to prevent and combat doping in sports in a Islamic manner. The approach method used is descriptive qualitative and data collection is done with documentation. Data were analyze by grouping data and drawing conclusions. The result of this study are that the use of doping in sports can be considered inconsistent with Islamic principles and can be punished according to the laws in force in society, depending on the level of view.
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