
  • Alfisah Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Muhammad Furqan Hafizi
  • Muhammad Rabbani
  • Muhammad Rizky Ramadhani



Unclean, How to clean unclean, Prayer


Discussing uncleanness after exercising, namely sweating, being exposed to uncleanness in outdoor fields is material that really needs to be discussed because this discussion is very useful and is often asked by Jpok students. Discussion about Najis, some consider that the most difficult discussion in terms of fiqh. Unclean is anything that is considered dirty in Islamic law, so this discussion is very useful for Jpok students. Every Jpok student must understand about uncleanness which is often found around the field. This matter affects the legitimacy of an act of worship, one of which is prayer, because after exercising students usually just let it go. Writing this article aims to provide readers with a broader understanding and knowledge about uncleanness after exercise, because there are still many Jpok students who do not understand about uncleanness after exercise. In writing this article, the author describes and explains matters related to uncleanness after exercise, in a systematic manner which will make it easier for readers to understand and implement it in campus life. The research method used is the type of data collection research using quantitative methods. The data used is from the views of Jpok students obtained from filling out questionnaires and book sources discussing uncleanness after exercising as a complement and support.


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