Membangun Paradigma muslim yang berkarakter Jujur dalam Pendidikan Jasmani
character, honest, muslim, sportAbstract
In Islam, the law of exercise can be obligatory, sunnah, haram, makruh, and change according to the situation and conditions and change according to the situation and conditions. A true Muslimah places exercise as a form of worship to Allah believing that what is done is only to seek Allah's pleasure.
Islam and sports are interrelated. Because sports have spiritual values. Spiritual values, such as praying before competing or giving thanks when winning. In addition, sports always prioritize the value of sportsmanship which is closely related to honest character, integrity, and honesty. Sportsmanship is closely related to honest character, one of the characters that every Muslim must have. One of the characters that every Muslim must have. Honest character in sports can be adapted by Muslims so that it becomes a habit (habit) so that athletes who are morally good are obtained
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