Relativitas Einstein dan Pandangannya dalam Islam


  • Ahmad Daud Daeng Pagessa Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Amalia Nufus Sabila
  • Lisni Noor Khaliqa
  • Rizki Pangestuti Linuwih
  • Sri rezeki



Einstein's theory of relativity, Time, religion, Islam


This theory allows us to understand the very complex properties of the universe, such as space and time relative to the speed and acceleration of objects, and gravity that warps space-time. In terms of Einstein's theory of relativity, some Muslim scholars consider that this theory does not contradict Islamic teachings and can even be seen as an attempt to understand the greatness of Allah more deeply. Some views in Islam consider that time is an absolute concept and is independent of the matter of objects in the universe, as opposed to the view in Einstein's theory of relativity which proposes that time is relative to the velocity and acceleration of objects. In this article, we will discuss how Einstein's theory of relativity can be viewed from a religious and scientific perspective in Islam. By combining scientific and religious viewpoints, this article aims to provide a more holistic and comprehensive understanding of Einstein's theory of relativity and the universe as a whole. Primarily, this theory of relativity refers to two different elements that combine to form the same theory of general relativity and special relativity. One of the theories put forward by Einstein called "Einstein's special theory of relativity" is the theory that shows the existence of the concept of time speed, that is, "speed makes time relative. Time as a physical variable is also affected due to the universal absence of another frame of reference If a frame of reference moves relative to another frame of reference that is stationary, then the time experienced by a person in the moving frame of reference will be different from the time in the frame of reference that is stationary, but this only applies if the movements have the same speed This difference in time is known as the concept of time dilation (time relativity).


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