Trigonometry, Mathematics, Prayer, Benefits of Prayer MovementAbstract
Etymologically, prayer comes from the Arabic “Shola-sholatan” which means “to pray” or “ask for blessings”. Ibnu Mandzur defines as-shalah as “bowing and prostrating”, which are the core movements of prayer. The method used in this paper uses the literature review research method to obtain information or an overview of the integration of prayer from the perspective of Islamic mathematics. In mathematics there is trigonometry material which has the term angle, namely: an acute angle with an angle of 0° to 90°, a right angle with an angle of 90°, an obtuse angle with an angle of more than 90°, while the angle of reflection is an angle greater than 180°. As a Muslim we should be grateful because we actually always have very effective therapy every time we pray. Prayer has become a daily necessity for Muslims. Prayer is an activity with movement and supplication to Allah SWT. Prayer is also a means of communication between humans and Allah SWT. The application of the concept of worship, one of which is prayer, can be linked to the concept of angles in mathematics.
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