physics, Al-Quran, Islam, earth rotation, earth revolutionAbstract
This article discusses the view of the Qur'an on the rotation and revolution of the earth in physics. The Qur'an is the holy book of Muslims which is believed to be the revelation of Allah SWT to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. In the holy book, there are several verses that refer to the movement of the earth, including rotation and revolution. In the view of the Qur'an, the earth is considered as an inanimate object made by Allah SWT to be a place for humans to live. However, there are several verses which show that the earth also experiences rotational and revolutionary movements. For example, in Surat Al-Anbiya verse 33 it is stated: "And it is He who created the night and the day, the sun and the moon, all of which revolve in an orbit." In physics, the earth's rotation and revolution are explained as earth movements that affect various aspects of life on earth, such as weather, time, and climate. Earth's rotation occurs when the earth rotates on its axis, while earth's revolution occurs when the earth revolves around the sun in its orbit. The view of the Qur'an on the rotation and revolution of the earth is in accordance with modern physics' explanations of the motion of the earth. Therefore, the Qur'an can also be used as a reference in studying physics and explaining natural phenomena that occur on earth. As Muslims, we must continue to respect our holy book and develop knowledge and technology in conformity with Islamic values
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