istigfar, good fortuneAbstract
Istighfar is something that is very important in everyday human life, especially Muslims, but there are still many Muslims who do not position istighfar as something that is very important. The purpose of this research is to find out how a Muslim behaves when he gets a test in his life. Allah SWT, who gives good fortune to all His creatures, has given the key to inviting good fortune with istigfar. The method used is literature review research, which is an analytical activity that can take the form of criticism of research being conducted on a particular topic which is part of a scientific field. In this research we can find that istighfar can open the door to sustenance. Therefore, Allah SWT easily provides sustenance to people who like to read istighfar readings. A person's sustenance will be easier if he has a lot of sustenance and is steadfast in practicing istighfar. This is reinforced by Surah An-Nuh verses 10-12.
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