Etimologi dan Perkembagan Konsep Matematika dalam Islam


  • Novita Safitri Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Salwa Dwi Alyani Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Siti Umriah Universitas Lambung Mangkurat



riyadah, hisab, etymological


The etymology of mathematics in the development of Islam is an important study of Islamic spiritual history. This article discusses the origins of mathematical terms in the Islamic context and their important role in the development of science and culture in the Islamic world. This study describes the contribution of ulama to the development of the field of mathematics and the growth of Islamic civilization in its golden age. Through etymological studies, this article reveals how Arabic mathematical terminology such as "riyāḍah" (algebra) and "ḥisāb" (arithmetic) began to be known and spread widely in the scientific works of Islamic scholars. Apart from that, this article also highlights the important role of figures such as al-Khwarizmi, al-Kindi and Ibn al-Haytham in the development of mathematical concepts and their presentation in the West through translations of their works. Therefore, this research highlights the importance of understanding the etymology of mathematics in the development of Islam and its contribution to human civilization in general. Mathematics developed as the most universal science, experiencing the development of Islamic civilization. which represents an important contribution to Muslim scholars in the Islamic world. Mathematics in Islam has its origins in Arabic. Nothing created by Allah SWT was wasted, including mathematics... in fact, mathematics is the language used in the creation of the universe. Thus, to study and understand the Kauniyyah verses, mathematics is needed. Understanding the universe will lead to amazement at the power of Allah SWT. Apart from that, mathematics is also able to provide a deeper approach to understanding Qawliyyah verses


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